WOW! First timer. I've never added a picture or video to my blog, not savvy enough. Hope this works when you click on the Jeremy Camp song above. The words to this song speaks of Jesus and all His attributes. Powerful, awesome, worthy to be praised and honored, great. Those alone make Him seem too big to reach. There are words in this song I love, listen to them. "We will overcome, by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony, everyone overcome." If you are not a follower of Jesus, He came for you as He came for me.
Easter is about Him, giving His life for us. His actual life. He was human and walked the earth and when it was time he chose to give His life for us. He died on a cross for my sins, your sins. So one day we would spend eternity together. Our world is pretty messed up, just look around you. So much arguing and bickering and fighting. It's really difficult to distinguish who's a follower of Jesus and who isn't. The world should know you are His by your love. Jesus was about love. Forgiveness. Second chances, third, fourth and 70/7.
Do people even know my testimony? Mostly on FB I share frustrations, shocking news stories, get riled up about something. Do people know what I'm for, or only what I'm against?
Jesus has saved my life on a number of occasions, rescued me from the pit. Even if I chose to put myself in that pit. Because He loves me so much. I have looked back over a very difficult childhood at times and questioned, "Where was God? How could He have allowed this and that to happen?" And clear as could be, I received an answer from Him, "I was holding you." He never put me down. Even when I've been angry and questioned, what God could be thinking?.....He has never left my side. He is faithful, He is compassionate, He is good. Even when I barely see Him. Even when I don't understand.
God allowed His own son to be crucified for me. I cannot imagine placing my child in that situation. I believe it was the ultimate sacrifice. When I was a child, even though my home life was not ideal. My parents took us to church and that is where I was introduced to Jesus. I found refuge in the hope that "I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
I accepted Jesus into my heart at age 6 in Sunday School class at Bethany Bible Church in Phoenix, Arizona. Mrs. Cheatam prayed with me. I will never forget just before Jeff passed away, I received a card in the mail from her telling me she was praying for me. A friend had shared our story with her. Full circle. My walk with Jesus began with her.
My testimony is not a smooth sailing ride. It never has been one. I loved youth group. We had the best times. Summer YG camp was my favorite. Always one night we'd have a campfire and share our hearts. Testimonies of how God came into our lives. I used to wish my testimony was normal. Found Jesus at early age, great childhood, happy, Me and Jesus are thick as thieves, blah, blah, blah. Then I realized, my testimony is not mine. God is writing my story, it's His story. It's my job to share it with others. If every one's life was together and so wonderful, why would they need Jesus?
What I know for sure! Jesus came for the misfits, tax collectors, prostitutes, poor, needy, etc....He came for me. Call me anytime and I would love to share my story with you over coffee. What's your story? Have a blessed Easter.