Well, it's official. I'm old. What the heck happened since I decided to stay home and be a mom. I guess that was over 12 years ago. Did we move into the fast lane since I left? And how come everyone looks young enough to be my son? Well, not quite but almost. Oh dear. Am I ready for this? The real question is...are they ready for me? It doesn't look good... so far I've needed a nap everyday and I'm only working 9-3. Yesterday, I woke from my nap about 4:45pm and realized there were still people at the office working and I thought, "Oh my goodness, how are they doing this everyday?" I think they are secretly drinking some special concoction that I will get on week 2 if I survive week 1. I'll let you know.
Who knows what my blog entries will look like now. Maybe something like this. akjle eiraskl dkiet kjsoe jmekl tyere kseinsl. Good stuff! I will try to write them only when I've had adequate sleep or at least a good caffeine jolt. For sure God has been gracious to me this week. I have alluded the ever present migraine and I know it's all due to His mercy. This girl is very thankful. Keep the prayers coming. You must be praying. There is no other explanation.
You haven't been praying for the magic fairy maid though. My house is a complete disaster. Each day I arrive home thinking someone may have broke in while I was gone and cleaned the whole place up but not so. It actually looks like someone came in and made it worse. In heaven, I will have a clean bedroom, I promise (I can see Jeff smiling right now). I will not be a messy. The bible says we will have new bodies. I have decided my new body will be "clean freak" oriented. At least that's my prayer.
Off to football practice. But I had to write. Can't leave you all hanging as there are still those words in my head that need to get out. Open for tips to my new spot....Working Girl in 2010 but No Longer 20!
Reneene, you crack me up. I liked this part: sfjldjsal adjsflkajsdflkasdj dakfj. Here's to caffeine!
Oh Reneene, Let me tell you you will get into the swing of things, I too find myself in a whirl wind of rushing and two jobs and 4 kids 3 in High school and all active in sports. Let me tell you it will get better and you can do this
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