It's been the best Mother's Day of all my 14 years. A near perfect would've been if I had my oldest with me on this day (and of course Jeff). And I didn't get a card, gift, letter or even our annual lunch to DeFazio's (yum). I was 3 1/2 hours away at a baseball tournament with my two younger kids who fight like cats and dogs. So how could this be so great?
Every year it's the same song and dance. They act like they always do and I am grumpy and crabby and sound something like "can you please get along for one day? This is Mother's Day for crying out loud! I only get one day a year." Sound familiar? So who wouldn't be miserable? Kids are going to act like kids but somehow I demand perfection on this one day. How many mom's end up disappointed? One for sure.
I made a conscious choice to not make this day about me. But about my children. Wow, I wasn't disappointed at all. Olivia and I drove home singing at the top of our lungs to my new Jamie Grace CD. We ate at a kid-friendly restaurant. I truly enjoyed my children for the first time ever on Mother's Day. And the two kids who always fight. Didn't.
What I realized is they are the reason we celebrate the holiday. If there wasn't them, well I can't imagine. And it became clear. If I put all my focus on the card, flowers, presents, behavior, I am missing the most important thing. Not me but them. God allowed me to be their mom. It's a privilege. I get my special moments when I don't demand or expect it. At night when I'm praying with them and they wrap their arms around my neck and hug me. It keeps me going through exhaustion, frustration, loneliness, etc.. Mostly, while we're trying to teach them to be unselfish and giving, I am learning the same.
I believe this was a life-changing moment in time for me. God really opened up my eyes. I saw beauty everywhere driving home and those who know me, know I'm NOT a road-trip gal. Funny how so many times we think everyone else is the problem and if they would just I sat back and enjoyed the gifts you cannot buy in a store. Gratefulness. Happy Mother's Day.
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