Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

It's Valentines Day. I had to post. And no I don't have a Valentine, unless you count my children. Still waiting for George Clooney to show up. I just got home from Olivia's class party at school, it was at 9:15am. Who comes up with this? First of all, we moms are barely awake. It should be a requirement to have Starbucks waiting at the door. All in favor? Say aye. And secondly, you couldn't pay me to be a teacher after feeding 24 children all that sugar for the rest of the day.

Who decided the mascot of love should be a chubby dude who wears a diaper with wings? Oh, and we can't forget he shoots arrows at you. This is exactly what I think about when I think of love. I am not anti-Valentines day. I actually miss my Valentine very much. I am just wondering who decided Cupid should represent this special day. I vote we have a mascot change. First order of change, drop the diaper!

"Love, love, love. All you need is love, love. Love is all you need." One of my favorite Beatles songs. Good, good stuff. Thankfully our truest Valentine doesn't look like Cupid and is all about LOVE everyday. And if you don't have a valentine on this made-up holiday it's okay. Because Jesus, the Ultimate Valentine, is there for you every single day. Not just today. And He might not have roses and chocolates but what He offers will last forever. I know for a fact George Clooney cannot even come close to that.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What's In Your Fridge?

You know it's time to clean the fridge when your parents are coming for a visit. I mean really, who does this on a regular basis? Not me. You read my last post, right? I am a messy by nature so the last thing I want to touch is the fridge. Besides, it's my way of staying in school. Ode to the Science Class. I have so many science projects going on in there, I can't even keep them all straight.

I am the kind of person who dry-heaves just from opening the container and even getting a little whiff of what's inside. So, I have learned a lesson. It may not be budget-friendly but unless it's in one of my nice plastic containers, I just toss it right into the trash. Why throw-up when you don't need to? Unless you have a few pounds to lose. Kidding.

The truth is my father is not capable of throwing food away. He is known around the family as The Finisher. He will dig through the fridge and eat what's in there. And I have visions of him coming to me and saying, "I just finished off that pot roast." My horror response would be, "I don't have any pot roast." So you see why it's imperative I clean out the fridge. It's not only to impress my parents but to save a life. My dad's. Can you imagine if I killed my children's grandpa while he was visiting from a year old science project in my fridge? I'm sure we'd make the news.

Well, off I go. I only have two days to get this done. There's a lot of stuff growing in there. Who wants to come over for dinner? Hee Hee.