Wednesday, November 3, 2010


ENOUGH! No, I'm not talking about Jennifer Lopez's 2002 movie about domestic violence, although it was a good one. I am referring the day-after-election-results blame game. It's very frustrating to see even my FB friends status's reflect this. So I'm taking it to my blog. You don't have to agree with me but it's my blog so I feel led to share.

The thing is our country is a mess because of all of us. One man cannot have caused all this. George W. Bush cannot have been responsible for all that is going wrong in our country; just as President Obama is not either. They would have to be elevated to the supreme position of "GOD" to be able to orchestrate what people are accusing them of.

WE make up this wonderful country. Those two men did not make us borrow more than we could afford on our homes, credit cards or cars. Certainly banks have their hands in all this. Many things have gone awry. As a group we have to work together to fix this. Blaming presidents seems like the silliest thing since one, they don't have that much power and two, they don't have that much power. Oh, I said that already. Hmmm.

Who's your daddy? Well, mine is not President Obama. I am not looking for a man to save me. My Father and only Savior who can fix this mess is Jesus. And I personally think that's why we are in this mess to begin with. I listened to the President's speech today and what he seemed so concerned with is that we aren't the biggest power in the universe anymore. He kept referring to China having some computer system that we didn't. And that our kids needed to be the smartest kids in the world. Why is that?

Our compass has gotten off who created us. And things all us around seem uncertain. People are out of work. Losing their homes. Don't have money to feed their kids, go to the doctor or just provide basic living expenses. And our President is concerned that China is beating us. As if we are in some contest.

I am suggesting our Father who made us only wants one thing from us. Us. I am going to make a commitment to pray for our great country which seems to be in deep trouble. Not from losing it's "Super Power Status," not from being one of the richest countries, not from being one of the smartest countries, not from being one of the biggest military powers. But losing it's "One Nation Under God" status. From moving so far away from Jesus that we aren't even allowed to mention His name without offending someone.

It's not too late, the mountain is not too big. There is always HOPE.


Jasonsuper50 said...

A Men SISTA! That was well spoken, and I back you 100%.....

Debbie R. said...

I agree with everything you said. It starts with us. We have to teach our children about Jesus and live a life pleasing to Him. This will begin the change.

Tobi Wright said...

Way to stand up girl! I agree. Let's all do our part, lead & empowered by the Sovereign God!

Anonymous said...

You preach it sister!! Amen.